Yellow Snow

At Warui Deshou, we like to make commentary tracks (read: riff trax) of bad anime. Like, really really bad anime. We call these episodes Mystery Bando Theater 19XX in honor of one of the most amazing, unforgetable characters we’ve ever covered in a podcast.  If you like to point and laugh at some of the worst the medium has to offer, this should be a pretty good time.

This time out, Shadon and TheSubtleDoctor do a commentary track for 1994’s most yellow anime OAV, Bounty Dog. Get ready for the truth about the moon, slow typing and a dude that takes out an enemy by beating them with their twin. At the end, we also give a brief postmortem on the thing.

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Macross 82-99 “Bad Girl”
Moe Shop “Pretty Please”
Trifect “Pocari”
El Huervo “Jens”
Sasac “Marketing Cloud”
Michael Kelly “CALICOMP 1.1 Shutdown”

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