Another Answer: Interview With 3D Animator Chris Boylan

Shadon sits down for an interview with veteran 3D animator and effects artist Chris Boylan. Chris has worked on films such as The Amazing Spider Man and Sucker Punch and video games like Bioshock Infinite, HALO 4, and League of Legends. The fellas talk about 3D animation in Kado and in anime in general. Is 3D really cheaper than 2D animation? Where does 3D anime go wrong when it does? What can animators do to help make 3D anime more successful? The fellas tackle all these questions and more in this power-packed bonus episode!

Direct Download | iTunes | Soundcloud Google Play | Android Stitcher | YouTube

Chris’s IMDB
Chris’s Twitter
Chris’s Studio Gattai on Instagram
Chris’s Studio Gattai on YouTube

Music by Michael Kelly

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